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News, Updates, and Resources


July 2021

ACE Lab research on child maltreatment reported alongside others by The 74

Stuck at home, separated from teachers, children may have faced more severe abuse during pandemic

June 2021

Drs. Quas and Dianiska awarded NSF grant to fund 3-year research project.

This grant will support research on how to effectively question teens about their experiences.

June 2021

Research regarding identification of child abuse during COVID-19 recognized by Education Week.

Reports of suspected child abuse fell more than 24%

May 2021

ACE Lab research on layperson perceptions of trafficking victims highlighted at APS.

Research reveals laypeople fail to recognize trafficking victims as such, even when it involves young teen victims.

August 2020

ACE Lab awarded Campus-Community Research Incubator Award.

This award supports a multi-center community-based research study examining the impact of COVID-19.



University of California, Irvine

Adolescent and Childhood Experience Lab

Dr. Jodi Quas

Last Edited: February 2025

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