Are you/your child between 12-17 years old?
We want to work with you! Check out our project, My Life and Me for more info.
Talking to Teens

We are looking for participants to help us with a project on adolescent conversations!
Teens (ages 14 to 19) will fill out a questionnaire, watch a short video, and complete an interview (in person or over Zoom) with a research team member.
The study will last about 60 minutes and will be video or audio recorded for analysis purposes.
To qualify, you (or your child) must:
Be between 14 and 19 years of age
Speak English fluently
Have a device for Zoom
Be willing to talk to us about your lives
Click here for more information on the study and to consent to participate!
For more information, email Dr. Jodi Quas (jquas@uci.edu), Dr. Rachel Dianiska (rdianisk@uci.edu), or cdlrapportstudy@gmail.com.